Asian Trend

Although they generally have higher levels of education and income, Asian-Americans lag whites and blacks in midterm election turnout.

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Nov 05, 2017 · They are a familiar sight at famous spots in Paris, and sometimes on random street corners—brides and grooms locked in an embrace, though their weddings might be months away.

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Asian Trend 111

By adopting an anti-aging routine early, you’re taking preventive steps to maintain your youthful looks in the long run. … more →

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Asian Trend 82

5 Asian Consumer Trends you need to know about for 2017, from BUTT-IN BRANDS to CAPACITY CAPTURE.

Feb 05, 2018 · The proposed far East Side plaza could include a supermarket, food court, garden and dining and entertainment spots.

Simply Security News, Views and Opinions from Trend Micro offers breaking security research and threat news that impacts your life everyday.

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Asian Trend 117

Japan & Asia Virtual Reality Porn Report The year of 2017 is the year that’s making history as the year that Virtual Reality industry as a whole is picking up momentum, and reaching the mass consumer market.

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Article about the image of Asian Americans as the ‘model ity’ and how its implications about Asian successes can be misleading and harmful to the Asian American community.

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It’s time! Immerse yourself in 5 Asian Trends for 2018 – the latest, unmissable publication from TrendWatching’s APAC team in Singapore.

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Asian Trend 24