General stage designs that would work for any venue and any purpose.
A homemade camper van conversion can be an inexpensive and highly rewarding project, but you need to plan accordingly before you jump in to it.
Check out our new trick! We came up with our own homemade Bouncing Bubbles Recipe that doesn’t need glycerin or corn syrup and only has 3 ingredients you are bound to have in your kitchen right now!
Jul 22, 2015 · After you have pondered a while about the design of your go kart it is time for the construction stage.This stage is pretty …
The team from Crossroads Fellowship Church in Berea, Kentucky brings us this awesome portable baptistry idea. Because they are in a leased facility, they wanted a portable option for baptizing people. Plus they wanted a modern looking baptistry that would match with their modern stage designs
Do you have a photo of your homemade trap with tea light? Does the tea light need to be in a holder? If out of holder, does it float on the water?
grit and water is added to the barrel along with the rock, as the barrel rotates this works a bit like sandpaper and smooths the rock you start with coarse grit and work down to finer grit- make sure to thourerly clean the rocks and barrel after each stage
Here is a list of some of the vegetables that you can grow in your homemade hydroponic system. I have put the recommended nutrient concentration (CF) beside each of the vegetables, grow within these ranges for the best produce.
A wildly successful exhibit, the Dragon Lights Festival has toured the world, stunning audiences with Chinese acrobatics and handcrafted light sculptures.
Homemade French Fries. serves 2 to 3 people. Print this Recipe! 3 large Russet or Idaho potatoes, peeled. 1 quart vegetable or canola oil. salt, pepper, and ketchup